
AmerAssist’s Binary Collection Program can solve your cash flow challenges today

Early Intervention

The conventional agency approach to collecting delinquent receivables is expensive, produces poor results, and alienates customers. The conventional strategy is to salvage a percentage of the write-off after deterioration has occurred.

AmerAssist accelerates slow paying accounts with the Binary Program’s early intervention strategy and more comprehensive approach to managing receivables.


The Binary Program’s low, fixed fee, which averages less than 10 cents of each dollar collected, is normally more economical than the cost of pursuing an account internally!

There are never any percentage charges in the program’s Primary Phase. Therefore, accounts can be referred earlier in the collection cycle when third-party authority is most effective. The Binary Program’s preventive maintenance benefits provide a unique, low-cost program that accelerates cash flow – faster than any other source – while reducing write-offs.

The Binary Collection program can be utilized with the knowledge that your image and reputation will always be maintained. AmerAssist is staffed by experienced personnel who are exceptionally knowledgeable about collection techniques. High caliber professionals are developed for the ongoing demands of aggressive pursuit through extensive training programs and continuous evaluation.


The profit improvements provided during the Binary Collection Program’s Primary Phase are compounded for those clients who also elect to transfer hard-core accounts to AmerAssist’s Secondary Placement Workout Division on a straight contingency fee basis.

This workout division’s comprehensive approach to collecting hard-core accounts (such as intensive skip tracing and asset searches) is coupled with litigation, when warranted, at AmerAssist’s expense. Virtually every remedy available will be utilized on your behalf, which is why AmerAssist’s recovery ratio is currently more than double the national average!


The service that AmerAssist provides with this accounts receivable management and recovery system is the finest available at any price, from any source. Whether you seek the lowest possible cost, or the maximum recovery ratio, the Binary Collection program’s two-phase service satisfies the need for profit improvements.

Let us share with you the superior results now being obtained for creditors with debtors like yours, and we’ll show you how to test our system as an extension of your staff – at no risk!