The Secondary Phase Workout Division (SPWD)
- The Binary Program’s Secondary Phase is provided by a full-service workout division, which includes one of the nation’s most comprehensive litigation services departments. It is specially structured to pursue and salvage second placements (i.e., accounts that have previously been worked unsuccessfully by a collection agency as a primary placement). In this Secondary Phase, payments are directed to AmerAssist while providing the industry’s most comprehensive approach to collecting hard-core accounts.
- Utilizing sophisticated recovery strategies, this intense Second Phase of service is implemented in a manner that gets results, while preserving your reputation. AmerAssist’s state-of-the-art, automated support systems monitor, assist and improve the efficiency and effectiveness, of each collection effort while providing management information for daily, hands-on decision making.

- AmerAssist’s Workout Division maintains responsibility for negotiating, processing, remitting and accounting for all payments and settlements, in accordance with your guidelines. Collector workstations are supported by predictive dialing systems and custom monitors, which provide access to credit records and full account history information. This comprehensive assistance provides AmerAssist collection professionals with the knowledge and the time necessary to effectively conduct asset searches, intensive skiptracing as needed, and personalized negotiations and follow up on every account. AmerAssist is designated as an ACH Check-by-Phone and a MoneyGram receiving agent for instant, local, debtor payment at over 20,000 locations nationwide.
- At your discretion, decisive court action may be brought to bear when necessary, in the debtor’s locale, through our worldwide network of collection attorneys.
- AmerAssist assures service excellence and provides you with virtually every remedy available that is allowed by law. This is why AmerAssist’s recovery ratio is more than double the national average!
- The Workout Division’s services are provided for a straight contingent fee, which includes litigation when warranted, at AmerAssist’s expense. Bad checks are also handled on the same no collection – no charge basis.