
Sophisticated recovery strategies are implemented in a manner that gets results, while preserving your image and reputation. AmerAssist’s support systems monitor, assist, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness, of each collection effort while providing management information for daily, hands-on decision making.

The daily involvement of professional collectors and portfolio managers, as well as overnight delivery of collection documents and same day payment pick-up by Federal Express, are also available for creditors who are especially concerned about immediately accelerating cash flow.

compare_botAmerAssist is designated as an ACH Check-by-Phone and a MoneyGram receiving agent for instant, local, debtor payment at over 20,000 locations nationwide.

AmerAssist’s workout approach when collecting hard-core accounts (such as intensive skip tracing and asset searches) is available with litigation when warranted, at AmerAssist’s expense. Virtually every remedy is available to be utilized on your behalf, which is why AmerAssist’s recovery ratio is currently more than double the national average!