The Primary Phase of the Binary Collection Program
As the name implies, The Binary Program has two phases (Primary and Secondary) – one following the other.
The Binary Program’s Primary Phase consists of a series of high impact collection contacts, including an attorney demand, which direct payments to you. Payment demands by professional collectors are also included during this phase for a low, fixed fee, which averages less than 10 cents of each dollar collected, regardless of the age size or debtor’s location. The debtor is put on notice from the start that AmerAssist has full authority to pursue your claims with all available remedies.
The daily involvement of professional collectors and portfolio managers, as well as overnight delivery of collection documents and same day payment pick up by Federal Express, are also available during the Primary Phase for creditors who are especially concerned about immediately accelerating cash flow. Your local AmerAssist account executive can recommend a level of service tailored to meet the individual needs of your organization.
Click here to learn how accounts not collected in the Primary Phase can automatically be transferred to AmerAssist’s Secondary Phase Workout Division which even liquidates hard-core accounts.